Crankcast Episode 88 – 061307

Mike and Taber love Knocked Up!Crazy 88!

This week is devoted to movie talk with Taber … and email … for Taber.

Comment here, mail here and friendship here, here or here.

Episode 88 – Time: 82min. – File Size: 37.6mb

13 Responses to “Crankcast Episode 88 – 061307”

  1. Thomas Katers Says:

    Planet Earth is amazing. I would also suggest Blue Planet…very similar but just about various water habitats and the creatures that live there.

  2. Taber Says:

    I do have the entire Blue Planet series as well, but it’s unavailable in an HD format.

  3. G. Noel Gross Says:

    Thanks for the Texas Frightmare plug, Taber.

    And I’m pouring out a little vinegar and baking soda for my homey Mr. Wizard.

  4. Will Says:


    Your choice as a favorite comedy, National Lampoon’s Vacation which even Chevy Chase couldn’t ruin. But I think you overlooked another of Chevy’s 80’s classic… Caddyshack. No love for Caddyshack?!

    You decide.

  5. Sal Says:

    The Pirates ride is pretty dark for kids too. Ask my daughter.

  6. David Thornton Says:


    If you are suffering from post-purchase guilt due to your purchase, maybe this will cheer you up: my first order was $776.92 and the second was $230.85, both of which were all-DVD orders.

    Like Mike talked about during the show, I bought a lot of dreadful movies for background noise and to help me appreciate great films even more. And it does work, Mike.

    Great show as always!

    David Thornton >>

  7. Taber Says:

    Whoa David! I briefly contemplated just my entire wishlist which was a little over $1000. But I settled for about a third of it instead.

  8. multiple john Says:

    Tabor rated …Tabor rated its not overstated to be Tabor rated. He’s got both eyes watchin’ films for you… pay attention guys he always comes through… the Crank and Mike always listen in… but spider-man 3 their always dissin’
    I watch a lot of movies base their recommendation look out y’all I need more vacation.
    {sung the theme of the cobra raven commercial}

    Its a stupid jingle I know. I got nothin’ else. Seriously, is it any worse than “shiver me Tabors”? On second thought that was kinda funny contextually. Heck, put that on a shirt.
    Hey Tabor one more genre for ya’. Whats your favorite cross country car race/police chase film?

    Hey guys, as usual the show always wades through a dung heap, but gets through smelling like a rose.
    Don’t forget 4400 new season starts sunday.

  9. crank! Says:

    Maybe whenever Taber’s on I can post the movies he talks about with little Taber icons wearing eyepatches and bandannas?


  10. multiple john Says:

    Yes a bandanna and an eye-patch attached to the old t-shirt image. You know “zombie Tabor”. Just add a mustache and a sand paper beard.
    Now you can hear him say AARGH matie! instead of URRGH RR Mercedes!!

  11. Taber Says:

    Speaking of T-shirts…Mike you never sent me one!

  12. Mohaski Says:


    ’nuff said.

  13. Mohaski Says:


    I wish I had THAT on a Taber-Tee…