Crankcast Week 246 – 20100623

Taber and kittehs.Taber loves…kittens.

This week on the Crankcast…Taber gushes over kittens, talks about games and movies and reads emails with us.


Comment here, mail here.

Week 246 – Time: 73min. – File Size: 33.5mb

6 Responses to “Crankcast Week 246 – 20100623”

  1. Tate Says:

    Weird, I can listen to it on iTunes but when I try to play it on my ipod touch it crashes everything without playing.

  2. Henrik J Says:

    You should have Jenny back on the show sometime!

  3. luckymustard Says:

    i wrote this back at roger ebert via twitter… and he never responded, but is it if he’s not following me, then that would make sense? i guess i don’t really understand twitter (any help?):

    “i don’t know about the ‘law of society’ part, but AC does have a relationship to weather outside & comfort of those within. 6 days ago”

  4. Henrik J Says:

    Tate : The same thing happened to me when i tried playing it on my iPhone.

  5. crank! Says:

    That’s weird…has there been an iPhone/iPod update recently?

    It’s a regular mp3, I’m not sure what could go wrong with that.


  6. Henrik J Says:

    iPhone OS 4 came out a few days ago, and it has been a little buggy on older iPhones so i figured that was the reason why there was a problem, although this has been the only podcast that has acted strangely.