Crankcast Week 253 – 20100811

CenturionMax is back…

This week on the Crankcast…Mike still likes Wizard World Chicago and thinks you should come out to it, crank has nothing to talk about. Vocoders and AutoTune!


Comment here, mail here.

Week 253 – Time: 53min. – File Size: 24.3mb

4 Responses to “Crankcast Week 253 – 20100811”

  1. Thomas Says:

    Crank! Of all those comics I bought in Vegas, 4 were a miniseries lettered by you. I just noticed that last week. It was The Waking, which I enjoyed. Does this mean you got money from me?

  2. Fil Silva Says:

    I agree with you Crank! about the first season of Babylon 5 but the whole over arching story is just so great.

  3. crank! Says:

    Thomas, glad you enjoyed them!

    Fil, I’m just past the Shadow War and I’m losing interest. But I’ll stick with it a few more eps and see what happens.


  4. luckymustard Says:

    mike, for dcu online, are you working on art for the game itself, or for the tag along weekly or bi-weekly (i’ve heard conflicting reports lately on that) comic book?