Crankcast Episode 82 – 050207

It's Hercules!Jane continues to be an idiot.

This week on an 82nd episode of the Crankcast that refers to itself in the third person … More Heroes talk, some comics talk and emails!

Comment here, mail here and friendship here, here or here.

Episode 82 – Time: 46min. – File Size: 21.1mb

8 Responses to “Crankcast Episode 82 – 050207”

  1. Drew M(AKA Dr. Droom) Says:

    sigh…I guess Dr. Droom works…


  2. Drew M(AKA Dr. Droom) Says:

    oh, and Peter Petrelli could have gotten the scar if the Haitian was preventing him from using his powers… I also wonder if all of Future Peter’s acquired powers would transfer to Future Sylar. I think it would be interesting if they did, and it is a kind of cool idea.
    BECAUSE OF– aww nevermind.

  3. Chris Burnham Says:

    I never come to drawing night cuz I ain’t never been invited! What’s the when & where?

    I’ve since thanked the CGS jokers. Their big Burnham-centric episode was kindof embarrassing… not quite on the level of Chris Brandt telling the whole 4th grade that I liked Erica Fleming, but pretty bad. Especially the whole “I want to be Mike Norton’s friend” part. Thanx for saying I’m a good artist!

    Yeah, that was me that came into Devil’s Due a few weeks and made fun of your Dark Water figures. Dork.

  4. vorpal keith Says:

    Punch me in the throat? I’m hurt. . . .

  5. Mike Norton Says:

    you WILL be!

  6. vorpal keith Says:

    I’m actually a little scared.
    I guess the only thing that can save my life now is if you think that script is pure genius, eh?

  7. Heath Says:

    Keith, you won’t feel anything because of the chloroform mike carries around.

  8. vorpal keith Says:
