Crankcast Week 250 – 20100722

It's Chris Makepeace Day Again!It’s Chris Makepeace Day again!

This week on a Crankcast reunion…Jenny the Announcer Girl is back! We talk about this year’s Chris Makepeace Day, Jenny’s move to Seattle and her summer reading list. Mike also enthuses about San Diego. (You can find his schedule here.)


Comment here, mail here.

Week 250 – Time: 62min. – File Size: 28.4mb

14 Responses to “Crankcast Week 250 – 20100722”

  1. Geoff Says:

    Hey crank!
    Soooo, awesome to hear Jenny again. Oh, how we miss ye.
    The file didn’t work on the iPhone (4.0.1) with the dash. Removed the dash and it works fine.
    Thanks, Geoff

  2. crank! Says:

    Aargh…so this time the underscore didn’t work either? Did you leave a space instead or just run the date portion into the rest with no spaces?

  3. Geoff Says:

    The file name came into my iTunes library as “Crankcast Week 250 – 20100722”, so I changed it to “Crankcast Week 250 20100722” and it worked fine first time. So I didn’t need to use the underscore, but I tried it for you and it works on my iPhone.

  4. crank! Says:

    oh wait…I get it…you’re changing the name inside iTunes, right. Not actually changing the name of the file on your hard drive?

    The ID3 tagging must be what’s screwing things up I guess…


  5. Geoff Says:

    Yeah, I am changing the filename in iTunes. The file name on my hard drive is the same as the file name in my iTunes library. So when I change it in iTunes it automatically changes it on my hard drive. The filename on my hard drive when I downloaded the podcast didn’t have an underscore in it. It still had a dash. I hope this is helping…

  6. Cameron Rice Says:

    Chris Makepeace Day already?! My God! The year went so fast.

  7. Spooky Says:


    Can Jenny appear again for Crank’s intervention show?

  8. alphatrope Says:

    Jenny! Music to my ears. I thought I had an old episode.

    It’s the Bisquikening. There an be only one.. biscuit.

  9. Jenny Says:

    That is seven kinds of not A Very Potter Musical at the beginning. Crank, we discussed this.

  10. Henrik J Says:

    Great having Jenny on again!

  11. erroll Says:

    AWWWW!!! Jenny is so AWESOME!!!!!

    LOL, it sounds like she breaks Mike @ 11min 42 sec.

  12. stuart haddad Says:

    Yay Jenny! This show was awesome.

  13. shaundaniels Says:

    will there ever be a Gabriel Jarret day?

  14. MoniBolis Says:

    Good show you guys