Crankcast Week 257 – 20100911

Those hobo kids again.I don’t have an image this week, so here are those hobo clown kids again.

This week on the Crankcast…Super unfocused, super hungry, super rambly. There’s email at the end there.


Comment here, mail here.

Week 257 – Time: 59min. – File Size: 27.1mb

7 Responses to “Crankcast Week 257 – 20100911”

  1. D.C. Says:

    Hey Mike, I’d recommend going to the Bronx Zoo when you’re in for NYCC. There’s also a small one in Central Park and the Brooklyn Aquarium.

    Crank, have you watched Steven Moffat’s Sherlock? Quite good.

  2. Paul Says:

    Maybe someone should get Mike the San Diego Zoo 2011 Calendar for Christmas… :)

  3. Mike Says:

    Greg Dulli’s been on the heavy side for a pretty long time. I’d always considered it a major factor in his status as major sex symbol of the ironic 90s.
    Here’s a link to excerpts from the zine ‘Fat Greg Dulli’, which was already on issue #6 in 1994:

  4. @jibajaw Says:

    Hey, I was impressed that he’s gone to the Queens Zoo. Not as impressive as the Bronx Zoo, but the seals, coyotes exhibit and the Petting Zoo are fun.

  5. Bruce O. Hughes Says:

    Crank, what did you think of the Twilight Singers? Did you check out The Gutter Twins? It’s another of Dulis bands…

  6. crank! Says:

    @D.C.: you betcha! I’ve seen a couple of the eps (movies? they’re movie length) and I like them.

    @Mike: that link was funny.

    @Bruce O. Hughes: I have not checked either out yet, but I’m suspecting that my problem lies with Dulli, so the outcome might be the same.

    thanks for listening,

  7. kilmarock Says:

    Crank and Tabor: You guys are so right about Better Off Ted. I just started watching it on Netflix. I think its great and I normally can’t stand sitcoms.

    Mike: The show ain’t the same without ya. I’m not saying that its worse without ya, just differnt.