Crankcast Week 209 – 20091012

Not fade away.This cranky gone to heaven.

This week on an episode of the Crankcast brought to you by Sean and Sam…a memorial tribute for crank at Tim’s wedding.

p.s.: it’s a video.


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Week 208 – Time: 12:16min. – File Size: 24.9mb


7 Responses to “Crankcast Week 209 – 20091012”

  1. Wayne Hagel Says:

    Best. Anniversary episode. Ever. Oh, and my condolences or whatever.

  2. Spooky Says:

    I cried a little for Crank. Then I saw Taber and was busy figuring how that voice and face match up.

  3. Leigh Webb Says:

    Spooky, Exactly what I was thinking.

    Awesome episode guys

  4. somebodynew Says:

    Nice job! Tabor looks nothing like Seth Rogan …. the nose is totally different …at some angles… the hair is not the same at all yeah that’s it.

  5. alphatrope Says:

    In that suit, Mike looks like the pit boss in Reno Nevada, who walked me out of the casino for referring to the lady as a “hooker” instead of an “escort”.

  6. Courtney McCormick Says:

    Well done, Sean & Sam. Not quite as good as the Rosanne episode but quite enjoyable nonetheless.

  7. G. Noel Gross Says:

    Hat-less Taber is tumbling down the nebbish scale past Rogan toward a young Wally Shawn.