Crankcast Episode 35 – 060706

He may look nice, but he'll tear your throat out.06 … 07 … 06. That's not really even the neighbor of the beast.

This week, on a powerful 35th episode of the Crankcast torn from today's headlines … Crank and Mike talk about their love of summer, and the dangers of mowing. No, seriously.

We ambush comics retailer Patrick Brower, as he makes his way back from this weekend's Wizard World Philadelphia convention and finally more listener email and the hope that we'll finally be listed in iTunes.

Music by Big Mountain Fudge Cake and Mazinga.

Comment here, mail here and friendship here.

Episode 35 – Time: 58min. – File Size: 26.6mb

14 Responses to “Crankcast Episode 35 – 060706”

  1. Browitzer! Says:

    Oops, our band is PROGNATHIC, not Prognication.
    (adj : having a projecting lower jaw)
    And, crank!, it’s still available as a .com…

  2. groble Says:

    never heard of an electric lawnmower? what the hell? most people have an electric lawnmower in the UK.

  3. Kendall Bruns Says:

    Hey – what about my email?!

  4. groble Says:

    oh kendall i’m sure they are saving it for the next show. they probably felt it needed to have a decent amount of time devoted soley to it and put it in the next show so they could give it that time.

    now stay and talk to me on here, it gets so lonely when cranks not around.

    and still no sign of the crankcast on itunes =/

    i’m keeping the faith though

  5. Jenny Says:

    Oh my god, was that Kendall Bruns, of that left a message on our message board! Eek!

  6. Kendall Bruns Says:

    Jenny, tell me about Salt.

  7. Spidey13 Says:

    I can only hope that my brother (Pat) was not driving during his interview. And how come you couldn’t hear anyone else in the vehicle? It’s never that quiet when I’ve been in a car with him…driving cross country…even when he’s asleep. You should ask him about our aborted trip to New Jersey a few decades past.

  8. Jenny Says:

    I can tell you about 100 pages worth of information about Salt. After that, it gets a little fuzzy. And by fuzzy, I mean, too boring to read.

  9. Kendall Bruns Says:

    damn. Seriously though, what about my email?? Crank? did you get it?

  10. groble Says:

    i think jenny should have her own show all about salt

  11. Taber Says:

    Somerset, Pennsylvania. The town that could inspire a dozen Rob Zombie films.

  12. groble Says:

    great new!

    ’bout time

  13. groble Says:

    oh and the comics that guy stole were

    Amazing Fantasy #15, Fantastic Four #1 and X-Men #1,

  14. crank! Says:

    hey there all,

    Sorry about the lapse in response … I was busy scanning somewhere close to 800ish frames of negatives.

    The show’s up.
