Crankcast Week 271 – 20101215

CreepyIt’s tearing Mike apart…

This week on the Crankcast…we talk a little about the DCU Online beta, Mike tells us about how there are no friendships in a dungeon and we talk a little TV.


Comment here, mail here.

Week 271 – Time: 63min. – File Size: 28.9mb

6 Responses to “Crankcast Week 271 – 20101215”

  1. David D. Says:

    Right after the complaints about Mike’s technical difficulties, the steaming podcast stopped and endlessly re-buffered. That was a masterful moment of meta-media. Well-played, Crankcast. Well-played.

  2. crank! Says:

    Is it still doing that to you? It seems to be ok here…and was it intentional to say it was a steaming podcast?


  3. dingy dong Says:

    I still cant listen to you guys on my iphone, I download the podcast through itunes but when i select it among the other podcasts it just jumps back to the main iphone screen.

  4. Thomas Says:

    I download from the site and have never had a problem. Yay me and the site. And also the podcast.

  5. crank! Says:

    @dingy dong I never could properly figure that out. Some ppl managed to fix it with shortening the file name. Recently someone said that the newest iPhone update fixed it for them.

    Thanks Thomas!


  6. @jibajaw Says:

    Crank, Its the hyphen as strange as it sounds.

    Rename the file by replacing the “En Dash” hyphen to a “Minus sign” hyphen and then save the work.

    I don’t know how a hyphen and a minus sign is read differently on a PC but once I made the modification before uploading it to the ipod, the issue is resolved.