Crankcast Episode 44 – 080906

the 70's Spider Man ... Nicholas Hammond!44 to the fore!

This week on a near mint, bagged and boarded episode … Crank talks about his current T.V. viewing habits while Mike naps, we recap the recent Wizard World Chicago and then try to remember what comics we've read recently.

Music by the the Vladimirs and that wacky 70's Spiderman theme.

Comment here, mail here and friendship here.

Episode 44 – Time: 54min. – File Size: 24.8mb

7 Responses to “Crankcast Episode 44 – 080906”

  1. Drew M Says:


    -Drew M

  2. David Thornton Says:


    Thanks for the plugs. Joe Cast probably won’t be up for a couple more weeks since I’m still trying to learn how to make the audio levels even throughout the entire episode. For some reason, I have a habit of making the stuff at the end of the show softer than the beginning. (I wonder if that means I am putting myself to sleep.)

    On the subject of comics: as someone who prefers trades as well, I still buy a small press monthlies because I don’t know if full-size trades (not a digest format fan) will be released. Haven’t been a regular comic bagger and boarder since 1999, however, I did bag about 10 small boxes’ worth of comics in December prior to moving them into storage. If water somehow gets into the storage facility, I’d like my comics to have a chance to stay dry.

    By the way, Crank, here’s the complete 1974 Spider-Man series on fan-made DVDs:
    $30.00 (or best offer)

    Thanks again for the plugs and another great episode, guys!

    David Thornton

  3. Sean McKeever Says:

    Keron Grant drew Son of Vulcan, poopyhead.

  4. crank! Says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the Spidey, David. I forget what you told me you were using to multitrack (Audacity?) but if it’s got a level meter just keep an eye on that … of course some stuff just is quieter, as can be attested by the quality (or lack thereof) of our show.

    Drew … your a bad bad man … a funny one though.

    Sean just schooled you Mike.


  5. Mike Says:

    DANG! Sure he didn’t do a fill in or something???

  6. Paul D. Storrie Says:

    Sorry I didn’t get a chance to meet you at the show, Crank!


  7. crank! Says:

    I wasn’t there long and I was in disguise.

    Kidding of course.
