Crankcast Episode 33 – 052406

Their Lives Are Their Own ...33! Mike's an old man!

This week, on a year older but not necessarily wiser 33rd episode of
the Crankcast…

We celebrate Mike and Mr.T's birthday by… well, by doing nothing.

Tim Seeley's back to hock some more blasphemous comics he wrote as
well as share his opinions on Moon Knight issue #2 (Man, does Crank
not like it!)

And finally the guys talk about The Masters of Horror and Crank rants
about how comic creators' personal lives are none of our business.

Music by the Pipettes and the Subway OST.

Comment here, mail here and friendship here.

Episode 33 – Time: 83min. – File Size: 38mb

17 Responses to “Crankcast Episode 33 – 052406”

  1. B. Schatz Says:

    It’s not Sally Fields, you crazy, crazy folk. It’s Sally Struthers.

    Sally Field, on the other hand, is Norma Rae. Or whatever.

    This ends the segment where I talk about things that existed before I was born.

  2. Sean McKeever Says:

    It’s Walter Matthau! Not Martin Landau! Between that and Sally Fields/Struthers, you guys are drunk.

  3. Sean McKeever Says:

    (Oh. And he’s also dead.)

  4. Mike Says:

    I guess so, because I don’t even remember talking about them…

  5. groble Says:

    for someone who shares a birthday with mr T, I can’t believe you let them bad mouth “your woman” like that

  6. Sean McKeever Says:

    Haha, when Tim said he’s 29, I said “fuck you” exactly the same time and manner as Norton. Jackass. Now I’m gonna go down to the basement and cook up some meth.

  7. crank! Says:

    Names … who needs em? You caught what we were throwing right?


  8. groble Says:

    I’ve never read moon knight before and i’ve been loving it, i understood who frenchy was due to his intro in the first issue. i think the story is meant to be intense and the pacing is like that because basically you have this bad ass major superhero guy who’s been crippled and is now useless. his life is just sitting around now, he’s moved from a fast paced life to a crippling snail pace where all he can do is reflect on his previous days. the book matches his life, in my opinion.

    i like it!

  9. crank! Says:

    It’s a valid point and I think this will read ok as a trade … it’s a lousy monthly book though.


  10. groble Says:

    it’s no captain america, but i’d say it’s far from lousy. i think it probably will read much better as a trade and despite nothing much happening in these first two issues i’d still rate it pretty highly, but this might be becuase i’m so used to decompressed storytelling and my only other encounter with moonknight was in a marvel team up issue.

  11. groble Says:

    did mike walk off when you started talking about “news coverage” of comic proffesionals?

    no wait he’s back… he’s very passionate about this topic

  12. crank! Says:

    Oh … I completely forgot to apologize for the over length show this week …. my fault entirely.


  13. groble Says:

    apologize? for giving us extra? should we not be thanking you for the extra cranky goodness?

  14. crank! Says:

    Nopers … you should thank me for playing the Pipettes though … fab stuff that.


  15. groble Says:

    very much agreed, i’m surprised i’ve never heard anything by them before, with a hot summer sound like that they should be all over the UK musac sceeen

  16. groble Says:

    hey mr seeley

    I picked up your 48 page blasphemy-tacular book “Loaded Bible”

    i have yet to read it but it better have the line “The only way to the Father is through me.” – John 3:16

  17. groble Says:

    loved it, very cool comic, holy spit is indeed cooler than moses. but clone jesus? you heretic you