Crankcast Episode 57 – 110806

Stomp!Fruit stand … and the water likes you.

This week on a 57th episode of the Crankcast that poured so slow it almost wasn't … Mike's real busy doing comic stuff so crank brought in two people to fill his shoes.  Sam Wells and Liz MacArthur join him to talk about parallel weekends, politics and other assorted crap.

Featuring music by 123 Comedy and Pizza Infinity.

Comment here, mail here and friendship here.

Episode 57 – Time: 46min. – File Size: 21.1mb

7 Responses to “Crankcast Episode 57 – 110806”

  1. Taber Says:

    Hey Sam, I liked The Baxter, dammit!

  2. Sam W Says:

    Sam = Sarcasm.

  3. Kendall Says:

    I guess Sam loves the Pizza Infinity logo then.

  4. Kendall Says:

    We’re not supposed to put the film online yet but here’s the one we made with OneTwoThree in June.

  5. crank! Says:

    Could you tell I was suffering abandonment issues this show?

    crank = lame.


  6. Sam W Says:

    Here are links to (appropriately) blurry pics of the crankcast.

    semi-colored tat –

  7. Jenny Says:

    Oh my god Liz, I’m SOOO glad you mentioned!