April, 2011

Crankcast Week 290 – 20110427

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Monster of LoveNorton loves Portal 2!

This week on the Crankcast…We’re joined by most of the Four Star gang to talk about Portal 2, entertainment economics and read email!


Comment here, mail here.

Week 290 – Time: 64min. – File Size: 29.3mb

Crankcast Week 289 – 20110420

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Monster of LoveWe’ve been eaten by the monster of love.

This week on the Crankcast…Mike’s AWOL but Taber steps up and we talk movies and such.


Comment here, mail here.

Week 289 – Time: 66min. – File Size: 30.3mb

Crankcast Week 288 – 20110416

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Double Feature are go!Crank’s Grilled Cheese.

This week on the Crankcast…We’re joined by the Four Star fellowship and we ramble on quite a bit. THere’s even bonus material at the end. Go forth and multiply.

Comment here, mail here.

Week 288 – Time: 73min. – File Size: 33.5mb

Crankcast Week 287 – 20110407

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Double Feature are go!Double Feature are go!

This week on the Crankcast…Dennis Hopeless and Kevin Mellon join us to talk about Netflix Queues, Smurfs, and generally act like we’re actually paying attention to each other. Oh and Ninja snores a lot.

More newsworthy is the fact that Double Feature is now live, from both the website and as an app from the iTunes store.

Comment here, mail here.

Week 287 – Time: 73min. – File Size: 33.5mb

Crankcast Week 286 – 20110401

Friday, April 1st, 2011

Jack O'NeillMary Steenbergen? She’s so hot…

This week on the Crankcast…Mike and I do some rambling about TV and such, the immediacy of the internet and Comic ripoffs, Jefferson Starship and email!

Comment here, mail here.

Week 286 – Time: 60min. – File Size: 27.5mb