November, 2023

Crankcast Week 945 – 20231117

Friday, November 17th, 2023

sigh“…a musky lawn?”

This week on the Crankcast…  crank aches from being vaccinated, Mike messes with mics, Sean boops in with a news update, Mike gets weird with his anatomy gripes, and there’s a nice email. BoopBoopBop!


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Week 945 – Time: 75min. – File Size: 34.4mb

Crankcast Week 943 – 20231101

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

sigh“…that over-the-top painty art…”

This week on the Crankcast…  crank(allegedly) puts a snake down a drain and the others can’t figure out why he wouldn’t put a snake in a better place, Mike’s (allegedly) become an armchair detective, Emmons (allegedly) loves Mrs. Davis, Andrew (allegedly) loves fantasy art, and we dive into the history of Shamu, the mysterious whale…


Mail us here.

Week 943 – Time: 90min. – File Size: 41.3mb