January, 2022

Crankcast Week 851 – 20220126

Wednesday, January 26th, 2022

sigh“You’re all clones”

This week on the Crankcast… Emmons makes a deal, Mike’s stressed, Sean hates Cincinnati food, probably too much hot dog talk, crank’s seen some movies, and Sean and Josh try to help crank understand Evangelion…


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Week 851 – Time: 70min. – File Size: 32.1mb

Crankcast Week 850 – 20220119

Wednesday, January 19th, 2022

sigh“It sounds interesting…” “Trust me, it’s not.”

This week on the Crankcast… crank under quarantine, birthday shoutouts, hand lettering in digital, bad movies and maybe comedies, email!


Mail us here.

Week 850 – Time: 80min. – File Size: 36.6mb

Crankcast Week 849 – 20220112

Wednesday, January 12th, 2022

Snrrfly taquitoEek vs. Sever?

This week on the Crankcast… don’t trust “worst movie” lists until you seen the things the guys in 4-star have, getting ready for tax time, Sean doesn’t like the old Canadian show crank rediscovered, and the Foster’s should be titled “Two Years No Family Could Possibly Survive Intact”…


Mail us here.

Week 849 – Time: 75min. – File Size: 34.4mb

Crankcast Week 848 – 20220105

Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

Snrrfly taquitoSnrrf!

This week on the Crankcast… the first show of 2022! We spend time catching up after a holiday hiatus, talking about traveling, neat new things we’ve gotten, cats giving you something to cry about, new year aspirations, and email!


Mail us here.

Week 848 – Time: 95min. – File Size: 43.4mb