August, 2014

Crankcast Week 464 – 20140829

Friday, August 29th, 2014

G4 iMacSuch a cute lil bugger…

This week on the Crankcast… Extra long! Extra rambly! Love for the G4 iMac, Microsoft caused crank! woes, Jeff Goldblum talk, Michael Keaton talk, fun email!


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Week 464 – Time: 88min. – File Size: 40.3mb

Crankcast Week 463 – 20140822

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

The world has turned...The world has turned…

This week on the Crankcast… Mike’s out of touch, Crank’s out of time, a disappointing Bigfoot movie, realtor woes and some email!


Mail us here.

Week 463 – Time: 72min. – File Size: 33mb

Crankcast Week 462 – 20140817

Sunday, August 17th, 2014

Emergency Mike!Emergency Mike!

This week on the Crankcast… It’s super late! Crank’s computer melted down after already having a bad week. He gets it together in time to bug Mike and Emmons in Mike’s bar. Somehow the XBox gets involved and it’s all rambly from there!


Mail us here.

Week 462 – Time: 70min. – File Size: 32.1mb

Crankcast Week 460 – 20140801

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Cracked DoveHeart of glass? Glass jaw?

This week on the Crankcast…Sean wades through broken glass, leading he and Mike to speculate on the horrible ways they’d die on a ninja obstacle course. Mike didn’t like Lucy. Emmons drops in for a second. Crank can’t do math. There’s email!


Mail us here.

Week 460 – Time: 64min. – File Size: 29.3mb