May, 2010

Crankcast Week 242 – 20100527

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Jack and Vincent.So long LOST.

This week on the Crankcast…Taber’s on and he talk about movies and some TV. Not much LOST conversation though as he’s a laggard and wasn’t caught up yet. Sorry. On the other hand you can go to Mike’s site and see how he’s filling the void LOST left him with. Cartoons!


Comment here, mail here.

Week 242 – Time: 81min. – File Size: 37.1mb

Crank Is Everybody’s Dad

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Crank is Everybody's Dad by D.C. Stuelpner

“Crank is Everybody’s Dad” by D.C. Stuelpner

This was hilarious, thanks for sending it to us. -crank!

Crankcast Week 241 – 20100521

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Arnie.It’s Arnie!

This week on the Crankcast…Hopeless is on and we talk about Arnold, Willy Wonka, a convention and email!


Comment here, mail here.

Week 241 – Time: 68min. – File Size: 31.2mb

Crankcast Week 240 – 20100514

Friday, May 14th, 2010

Fear the 'stache.Fear the ‘stache!

This week on the Crankcast…Mike’s Mustache Makes Mayhem! Forces him to pummel people to pulp in God of War 4. Then reads email.


Comment here, mail here.

Week 240 – Time: 49min. – File Size: 22.5mb

Crankcast Week 239 – 20100506

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Freddy again.Learning is fun…with Freddy!

This week on the Crankcast…a very sleepy Taber joins us to talk about the new Elm Street remake and some other assorted filmy goodness before reading an email. Well, half of one anyway.


Comment here, mail here.

Week 239 – Time: 71min. – File Size: 32.6mb