December, 2009

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

Nortengers - Comics + I Rule YouNortengers is risen…

Visit Mike today at the former Challengers Comics as he imposes his will on the masses.

And tries to sell you stuff.

Crankcast Week 220 – 20091224

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Merry effin Xmas.Merry Effin Xmas…

This week on a very merry Crankcast…Taber’s on and we talk low-budget movies and Avatar…lots of Avatar…Extra Christmas thanks to Patrick Brower for lending us the use of his version of "Baby It’s Cold Outside" to cap the show.


Comment here, mail here and friendship here, or here.

Week 220 – Time: 90min. – File Size: 41.3mb

Crankcast Week 219 – 20091219

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Aww...Here’s a cute little kitten…

This week on the Crankcast…A date with a certain Mr. Dillon. Extra Marshall.


Comment here, mail here and friendship here, or here.

Week 219 – Time: 93min. – File Size: 42.6mb

Crankcast Week 218 – 20091212

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now?Can you hear me?

This week on a Crankcast farught with dropouts…Kevin Mellon joins us to talk about your mom.


Comment here, mail here and friendship here, or here.

Week 217 – Time: 67min. – File Size: 30.7mb

Crankcast Week 217 – 20091204

Friday, December 4th, 2009

He's mall signing famous.He’s not famous famous, he’s mall signing famous…

This week on the Crankcast…We can’t remember what to say to each other after our long absence.


Comment here, mail here and friendship here, or here.

Week 217 – Time: 56min. – File Size: 25.7mb