Crankcast Week 895 – 20221201

December 1st, 2022

sigh“…unless you wanted a stick figure… “

This week on the Crankcast… post-Tday talk, lotsa talk about AI generated stuff, Dove gets salty, crank should read more comics, Mike manages to complete a mountain of work in a minimal time frame, crank hasn’t, we’re tired. Also, email and TV talk from that!


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Week 895 – Time: 75min. – File Size: 34.4mb

Crankcast Week – 20221119

November 19th, 2022

sigh“I’ve got three words for ya: HOT DOG WATER!”

This week on the Crankcast… we’re formally introduced to the quiet studio-mate Andrew, Mike’s back from England–surly as ever–after having started a pug-brawl, crank gets a new (to him) Wacom, the train is constantly loud, we introduce Drone Crank, and there’s a Stankaroni update. Wee!


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Week 893 – Time: 100min. – File Size: 45.8mb

Crankcast Week 891 – 20221103

November 3rd, 2022

sigh“My dad turned 72 today!”

This week on the Crankcast… we’re back after a slightly extended leave… just in time for Mike to go to England for a week! We catch up a bit and talk about Wacom tablets, comic book inkers, not seeing any magic being done in the Good Witch, and ABC Family being the king of drama channels in the 2010s. And there’s email! Happy 72nd birthday papa Crank!


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Week 891 – Time: 80min. – File Size: 36.7mb

Crankcast Week 887 – 20221007

October 7th, 2022

sigh“Wanna join my Ska band? We’re called Skarred For Life…”

This week on the Crankcast… crank realizes that a song he thought was by one band was really by another… 28 years later, then talks about Nihilism getting a bad rap, Mike hates crank, but enjoys Schlock/Ink-tober, and then there’s a bunch of other random thoughts that convinces Mike that crank shouldn’t sit around by himself thinking so much.


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Week 887 – Time: 80min. – File Size: 36.7mb

Crankcast Week 886 – 20221001

September 30th, 2022

sigh“I don’t know why it’s called TOONS when there’s only one…”

This week on the Crankcast… Mike announces his schedule for Schlocktober/Inktober, we talk about a bunch of movies, Mike’s trip to the Memphis con and beyond, and a good burger joint he went to that only exists in Arkansas. And email!


Mail us here.

Week 886 – Time: 50min. – File Size: 22.9mb